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Improve Your Health With Weight Loss

Weight loss is not only essential for your health, but also helps you feel good about your appearance. Sometimes, no matter how hardyou try, it's difficult to see a difference in the scales. Luckily, there's a minimally invasive way to lose weight and look great. Dr. Darrien Gaston, your Chicago, IL gastroenterologist, shares some information about the innovative stomach balloon weight loss procedure.

How does the balloon help me lose weight?

Placing a balloon in your stomach makes you feel fuller sooner and prevents overeating. The balloon is an important tool that will help you learn to adjust the size of the portions you eat. People who've taken advantage of this weight loss procedure have lost up to three times more weight than patients who used diet and exercise alone.

Is surgery required?

Recovering from surgery can be one of the most challenging aspects of bariatric surgery, but no surgery is needed when you receive your stomach balloon. Dr. Gaston will insert the deflated balloon into your mouth, then pass it through your esophagus into your stomach. Once the gastric balloon is in place, he'll use a syringe to fill it with saline until it's about as big as a grapefruit. The entire procedure only takes about 30 minutes.

Is the procedure permanent?

The stomach balloon is temporary and completely reversible. The balloon only remains in your stomach for six months before it's removed during another minor procedure.

How can I ensure I maintain my results once the stomach balloon is removed?

During your treatment, you'll receive information, support and coaching that will help you choose healthy foods, exercise good portion control and improve your physical fitness. The team in Chicago will continue to work with you after the balloon is removed to ensure that you continue to make good choices about food.

Are you ready to lose weight and improve your health? Find out how this weight loss procedure can help you by calling Dr. Gaston, your Chicago, IL gastroenterologist.

Metro Gastroenterology Consultants

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