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It's Time!

With New Year resolutions and exciting life events all around us, January is the perfect time to implement changes. Perhaps you’re in a wedding (or having one yourself), going to a reunion or just have had enough of breaking your own promises about your health. Whatever the reason, getting off to a positive start, with inspiration and support, can help make your weight loss goals a reality. 

January is the perfect time for the SlimSmart Balloon. With the help of this temporary, non-surgical weight loss procedure, Dr. Gaston’s patients have lost hundreds of pounds, with individuals losing between 50 and 75 lbs in just six months. Patients have been able to discontinue medications to treat obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes because of their dramatic weight loss. 

The SlimSmart Balloon is a device placed in your stomach and filled with saline solution, salt water, via a gastroenterological procedure. There are no incisions, no stitches, no staples and no scars. The procedure takes just minutes and is performed under mild sedation here in our clean, comfortable offices, recently awarded the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval. You’ll be home within hours, ready for real change in your life.

The SlimSmart Balloon takes up space in your stomach, making you feel fuller faster. While you learn to visually identify correct portion sizes, your body adapts to those portions, helping to eliminate your desire to overeat, even after the SlimSmart Balloon is removed.

Studies prove that people lose 3 times the weight with the SlimSmart Balloon than with just dieting and exercise alone. With an additional six months of nutrition, exercise and follow-up support, you’ll find that this full year of weight loss assistance will result in long-term weight management, keeping you healthy and happy for decades to come. 

Throughout January, Dr. Gaston is offering a $500 discount on the SlimSmart Balloon. If you’ve been frustrated by years of unsuccessful dieting - and especially if you want to feel and look healthy and fit on The Big Day - call our office or schedule an appointment online. 

January is about changing your life for the better - improving your everyday health or feeling fantastic and confident for once-in-a-lifetime celebrations. With the SlimSmart Balloon, you’ll accomplish all your resolutions.

Metro Gastroenterology Consultants

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