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Signs You May Have Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are surprisingly common. Could you be dealing with this rather uncomfortable issue?

Sure, we understand that bathroom issues can be rather embarrassing and maybe not something you like talking about, but sometimes it’s necessary in order to figure out what is going on. Our Chicago, IL gastroenterologist Dr. Darrien Gaston is here to provide a little insight into one problem that a lot of people will deal with at some point in their lives.

If you notice bright red blood after wiping, you may be a bit concerned. Blood has the ability to make anyone a little nervous. Fortunately, a few drops of bright blood could just mean that you have hemorrhoids. Along with bleeding you may notice itching or irritation around the anus. At times, the itching may be severe. You may not even notice symptoms or issues until you have to have a bowel movement.

Who is at risk for hemorrhoids?

While anyone can develop hemorrhoids it’s often more common in those who are obese or those who experience constipation regularly. If you are prone to diarrhea you may also develop hemorrhoids more regularly. Pregnant women are also more likely to develop hemorrhoids.

How are hemorrhoids treated?

In most cases, you will be able to treat this minor issue all on your own. Hemorrhoids will typically go away all by themselves, but pain relief will be the most important thing to consider while healing.

If you are prone to bouts of constipation then increasing your fiber intake or taking fiber supplements can also help to ease your symptoms and prevent hemorrhoids from getting worse (or you could even prevent hemorrhoids in the future).

Make sure that even with hemorrhoids you are maintaining good hygiene and continuing to shower or bathe every day. Always be gentle with the skin around the anus and avoid using rough toilet paper.

If you find that your symptoms don’t ease up or that your hemorrhoids aren’t responding to at-home care, then it’s time to visit your GI doctor in Chicago. In some cases, a procedure known as a rubber band ligation is necessary for getting rid of your hemorrhoids.

If you are dealing with severe irritation or discomfort due to hemorrhoids then it’s time you turned to the GI experts at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in Chicago, IL to help give you the relief you’ve been looking for.

Metro Gastroenterology Consultants

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