When Do I Need A Colonoscopy?
Everyone should know when to get a colonoscopy and how often they should be getting one.
Getting a colonoscopy is probably not something you think about often until changes in your gastrointestinal tract seem to warrant it. Of course, getting a colonoscopy is something that everyone will need to do at some point during their lifetime to screen for colon cancer. This is one of the most effective ways to detect colon cancer and it could just save your life. Here is when you should be visiting our Chicago, IL, gastroenterologist, Dr. Darrien Gaston, for a colonoscopy.
At the age of 50, both men and women should start getting regular colon cancer screenings. If your colonoscopy comes back normal and our Chicago GI doctor doesn’t find a precancerous polyp (also known as an adenoma) and you don’t have any risk factors for colon cancer than you probably won’t need to come back for a routine colonoscopy for another 10 years (typically, colonoscopies are recommended up until the age of 75).
When you come in for your colonoscopy we will sit down and discuss your medical history with you to determine whether you have any risk factors that could predispose you to colon cancer. Common risk factors include:
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- A family history of adenomas or colon cancer
- A personal history of adenomas or colon cancer
- Having a diet that is low in fiber but high in fat
- Being African American
- Being an older adult
- Leading a sedentary lifestyle
When you come into our office talk to us about any risk factors you may have so we can determine how often you should be coming in for a routine colonoscopy. Also, if you notice blood in your stool or any changes to your bowel movements then it’s time to schedule an appointment with us. We may recommend getting a colonoscopy to help us diagnose the symptoms you are experiencing if we are unable to determine the cause of your issues.
A colonoscopy might seem a bit intimidating but it is honestly the best way to screen for colon cancer because it gives our Chicago gastroenterology specialists a chance to visibly look at the rectum and the lower intestinal tract to detect cancerous and precancerous growths and remove them in one simple procedure.
If it’s time to schedule your routine colonoscopy, or if you are noticing any GI symptoms that have you concerned, do not hesitate to turn to Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in Chicago, IL, for the care you deserve.
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