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Blog Archive

Minor Anal Bleeding: When to Worry, What to Do Feb 2nd, 2025

It's natural to feel concerned if you see blood in your stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl.  While rectal bleeding can stem from harmless issues, it may sometimes signal a more significant underlying condition.  Dr. Darrien Gaston, our trusted gastroenterologist at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in the Beverly...

5 Benefits of Telehealth for Weight Loss Support Jan 10th, 2025

When Dr. Darrien Gaston first introduced telehealth services to Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants, he had one goal — to make high-quality, personalized care more accessible for everyone in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois.  From convenience to real-time expert guidance, telehealth opens doors for people who struggle to manage their weight...

Is Heartburn the Same as Acid Reflux? Dec 1st, 2024

Most people are familiar with heartburn, that burning sensation in the chest that sets in after a big, rich, or spicy meal. But is it heartburn, acid reflux, or both? Your confusion is warranted. Many people use these terms interchangeably; even ads and commercials sometimes get it wrong. Dr. Darrien...

What Your BMI Can Tell You About Your Health Nov 27th, 2024

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the body mass index (BMI), and if you believe some social media influencers, you might mistake it for the holy grail of weight loss.   Does BMI really hold the key to understanding your health, or is it simply a number? ...

Why Do I Keep Getting Hemorrhoids? Oct 17th, 2024

No one likes to talk about hemorrhoids, but if you don’t bring it up with your doctor, those painful, itchy, burning, embarrassing bulges on your bottom may revisit you over and over. Dr. Darrien Gaston at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in Chicago, Illinois, specializes in diagnosing, treating, and banishing hemorrhoids. Here’s...

When to Consider Surgery for Crohn’s Disease Sep 2nd, 2024

Crohn’s disease causes inflammation in your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and malnutrition. It’s chronic and tough to live with, but does that mean you need surgery? Not usually. Dr. Darrien Gaston, our experienced specialist at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in Chicago, Illinois,...

5 Lifestyle Changes to Make If You’re Prone to Heartburn Aug 2nd, 2024

Dealing with heartburn is no joke. If you’ve experienced that uncomfortable burning feeling in your chest, you know how disruptive it can be. If you get heartburn often, it can be downright debilitating. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Dr. Darrien Gaston at...

6 Foods to Avoid with Ulcerative Colitis Jul 8th, 2024

When you have ulcerative colitis (UC), every bite or sip can make or break your day.  While the wrong choices can lead to cramping, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, the right choices can do the opposite — bring you comfort, satiety, and nutritional peace. Here’s some insight from one of Chicago’s...

What Happens During a Colonoscopy? Jun 20th, 2024

Reaching the milestone of 45 comes with a long list of adulting duties — the most dreaded one, arguably, is the colonoscopy exam.  But what exactly does a colonoscopy entail, and why is it so crucial to your health, particularly as you age? Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants’ Dr. Darrien Gaston, one...

Should I Stop Drinking If I Have Hepatitis? May 10th, 2024

Living with a condition like hepatitis is complex and often calls for significant lifestyle adjustments. Among the many questions that may arise, the one looming large for most is: Do I have to stop drinking alcohol? If you have hepatitis, particularly hepatitis C, you need to tread carefully around alcohol,...

Can Heartburn Be Cured with the Right Diet? Apr 2nd, 2024

Recurring waves of discomfort, that all-too-familiar acidic aftertaste, and the undeniable feeling of a small fire in your chest — that’s heartburn for you.  It’s an occasional nuisance for millions, but for others, it’s a far more persistent and disruptive problem. While over-the-counter medications have long been the go-to for...

I Want My Body to Be Summer-Ready: Where Do I Start?Summer is coming — are you ready? If this is the Mar 1st, 2024

Believe it or not, the Chicago winter is almost over, and summer is coming. However, if you’re carrying extra weight, the change of seasons could have you thinking more about your health and appearance.  The good news is that even if you have a long journey ahead of you, working...

How to Soothe Hemorrhoids at Home Feb 2nd, 2024

Hemorrhoids, those annoying clumps of swollen veins on your bottom, make it nearly impossible to get through your day comfortably. You shift around in your seat and try to alleviate the itching discreetly, but in the end, you know you need some help. Dr. Darrien Gaston at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants...

Can Crohn's Disease Run in Families? Jan 4th, 2024

When your immune system attacks harmless gut bacteria, the inflammation wreaks havoc in your body, and you develop Crohn’s disease. If you have a family member with Crohn’s, you may be wondering whether you can expect to develop it, too. While the medical community knows a lot about Crohn’s disease,...

3 Subtle Signs of Hepatitis C Dec 1st, 2023

Hepatitis C is a serious viral infection that inflames your liver — in severe cases, it causes significant liver damage. The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the culprit behind this insidious disease, and it typically enters your body through contaminated blood. While anyone can get hepatitis C, you have a...

4 Tips to Manage IBS at Work Nov 1st, 2023

Your workday is demanding enough without adding cramps, bloating, gas, and urgent trips to the restroom at the most inopportune times. But irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) leaves you with no choice. Or does it? Dr. Darrien Gaston and our Metropolitan Gastroenterology Associates do more than treat your IBS; we help...

When to Worry About Heartburn Oct 1st, 2023

Although chronic heartburn might feel like a heart condition, it’s actually a symptom of a medical condition — acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when your lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a small, circular muscle at the bottom of your esophagus, relaxes when it should contract and allows the acid from your...

How to Prepare for Your First Colonoscopy Sep 1st, 2023

Colonoscopies have the potential to decrease the occurrence of colorectal cancer by 31% and colorectal cancer deaths by 50% — but only if done correctly. That’s where Dr. Darrien Gaston and our Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants come in. Whether this is your first colonoscopy or you’re a seasoned pro, here are some top tips from Dr. Gaston...

Complications of Ulcerative Colitis to Know Aug 1st, 2023

Dr. Darrien Gaston expertly diagnoses and treats ulcerative colitis (UC) daily and often sees the harmful impact the condition has when you don’t manage your symptoms and seek treatment.  That’s why at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in Chicago, Illinois, we strive to educate our patients about UC regarding how to spot the signs,...

Will Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ever Go Away on Its Own? Jul 1st, 2023

Living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) means you deal with unpredictable bathroom issues. You never know when you’ll have to duck out of a meeting to rush to the restroom or cancel a date due to embarrassing gas and bloating.  Like all IBS sufferers, you need immediate relief from acute flare-ups, but...

When to Schedule Your Next (or First) Colonoscopy Jun 5th, 2023

It may surprise you to learn that colorectal cancer ranks as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among American men and women combined. The good news is that it’s relatively easy to treat when we catch it early through regular screenings — including a colonoscopy — before it spreads. Plus, some...

Do Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own? May 1st, 2023

Hemorrhoids are a real pain in the backside — literally — but don't despair; they usually disappear on their own.  Unfortunately, hemorrhoids become a recurring problem for some people that can seriously interfere with daily activities.  Here’s where Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants comes in. Dr. Darrien Gaston and our expert team evaluate problematic hemorrhoids and create...

When to See a Specialist About Chronic Constipation Apr 2nd, 2023

Bowel movements shouldn’t hurt, and you shouldn’t have to strain, push, or spend a long time on the toilet waiting for something to happen. If this describes your toilet experience, you may have temporary constipation — the official term for infrequent, hard-to-pass stools — due to increased cheese and milk...

Heartburn vs. Acid Reflux: What's the Difference? Mar 16th, 2023

Picture this: You’re driving down the road, and suddenly, your car stops. After coasting to the shoulder safely, your first thought is, “why?” Your car stopping is a sign that something is wrong. It could be a blown gasket, a dead battery, or an empty gas tank, among other possibilities. ...

5 Ways to Prevent a Crohn’s Flare-Up Feb 14th, 2023

There’s no cure for Crohn’s disease yet, but there are plenty of ways to keep it in check. Dr. Darrien Gaston at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, expertly diagnoses and treats Crohn's disease.  He also recommends the following practical tips for all our patients looking to decrease the frequency...

Surgery-Free Orbera Intragastric Balloon: How Does it Work? Jan 10th, 2023

Diets leave you hungry, and hunger makes you eat more, so the cycle of overeating and gaining weight seems unbreakable. You’ve tried to eat smaller portions and get more exercise, but hunger keeps creeping back, and you end up binging on unhealthy snacks. We understand your frustration. At Metropolitan Gastroenterology...

How to Manage IBS Triggers Through the Holidays Dec 13th, 2022

A party is the last place you want to be when you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). You’re bloated and gassy, and if you’re not desperately searching for a bathroom, you’re sitting in one and missing all the fun. The holidays come with all the triggers that set off your IBS....

The Link Between Chronic Hepatitis C and Liver Disease Nov 9th, 2022

You have likely heard of hepatitis, but you may not realize there are actually three types of the disease, and one type, Hepatitis C, that can lead to serious liver issues.  The good news is that the disease is treatable, but you have to know you have it to be...

When Should I Get a Colonoscopy? Oct 3rd, 2022

According to the American Cancer Society, the incidence of colon and rectal cancer in people under 50 is rising steadily at the rate of 2% per year. In 2022 alone, the disease is expected to cause over 52,500 deaths. You can avoid becoming part of those statistics by undergoing regular colonoscopies.  If...

The Importance of Getting Your Weight Within a Healthy Range Sep 8th, 2022

It’s important to have a positive self-image and to love yourself regardless of your size, but don’t mistake that as permission to let yourself go.  Being overweight or obese is a serious health condition that can endanger your life. Dr. Darrien Gaston at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in Chicago, Illinois, is...

Tips on How to Prevent Heartburn Aug 1st, 2022

Almost everyone has experienced temporary heartburn after a large or spicy meal. Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux, along with partial regurgitation and a sour taste in your mouth.  If you have frequent acid reflux, come see Dr. Darrien Gaston at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in Chicago, Illinois. As a board-certified internist, he specializes in diagnosing...

Can I Treat My Hemorrhoids on My Own? Jul 11th, 2022

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in and around your anus, but we understand if you don’t really want to talk about your anus, and the thought of a doctor examining your anus is a bit uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with hemorrhoids at home, and Dr. Darrien Gaston at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants...

Understanding What Triggers Ulcerative Colitis Jun 1st, 2022

Living with ulcerative colitis (UC) is not only inconvenient, it’s life-changing. You need to stay within sprinting distance of a restroom at all times, which can seriously cramp your social life. It also causes significant belly pain, diarrhea, fatigue, cramping, and weight loss.  In later stages, the symptoms progress to bloody stools,...

The Link Between Pregnancy and Heartburn May 4th, 2022

Pregnancy comes with a lot of positives — the anticipation of motherhood, the incredible feeling of connection when your baby responds to your voice, and that classic “glow.” But if we’re honest, we’d admit that there are few cons on the list, as well, and one of them is heartburn. Dr....

Why Orbera Might Be the Answer to Help You Lose Weight Apr 7th, 2022

A minor muffin top or some little love handles are mostly cosmetic concerns, but obesity puts your life in danger. Unfortunately, the more you weigh, the harder it is to shed the pounds. If you’re like a lot of folks struggling with weight loss, you find yourself in a vicious...

What Are My Nonsurgical Options for Hemorrhoid Treatment? Mar 8th, 2022

There are many reasons people avoid seeing a doctor to talk about hemorrhoids. One of the most common is that hemorrhoids occur in and on the anus, which is a very private body part that not many people feel comfortable discussing with — or showing to — others, even a...

Ease Your Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms with These Diet Changes Feb 6th, 2022

No one knows why some people get ulcerative colitis (UC) and others get to avoid this particular malady, but we do know it inflames your bowels and irritates your rectum and the inner lining of your colon. Over time, this leads to the formation of ulcers in your digestive tract...

What's Causing My Terrible Heartburn? Jan 12th, 2022

Heartburn has nothing to do with your heart, it just feels that way because the pain is located in your chest. What you’re actually feeling is an irritation in the lower part of your esophagus where it connects with your stomach. If you’re experiencing severe and/or frequent heartburn, your occasional...

Severe Hemorrhoids? We Can Help Dec 9th, 2021

No one wants to talk about hemorrhoids — which is why so many people try to solve the problem in the privacy of their own home. And if you have a mild case, sitz baths and over-the-counter creams and ointments may shrink your hemorrhoids and relieve your discomfort. When those...

Living with Hepatitis Nov 9th, 2021

Liver inflammation, called hepatitis, can be caused by drinking too much alcohol, having certain medical conditions (such as an autoimmune response), or taking certain medications, but the most common reason for liver inflammation is the hepatitis virus.  Because untreated hepatitis can lead to serious complications, namely cirrhosis of the liver...

Signs Your Acid Reflux Is Actually GERD Oct 8th, 2021

In Chicago, the food scene offers an overwhelming amount of local joints serving up the gut-busting fare that makes us famous, but it often comes at a cost — heartburn. And judging by the number of commercials and social media ads, this after-meal discomfort is pretty common. The reason you’re...

Why Is Weight Loss So Difficult? Sep 9th, 2021

If you’ve ever felt that the harder you try to lose weight, the harder it is to lose it, you’ve experienced the sinister side of biology.  While it’s true that to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories and burn more of them through exercise, that formula is woefully...

5 Common Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms Aug 11th, 2021

Stool, defecation, feces, poop — whatever you call it, it’s no fun to talk about. But the truth is, your stool can tell a lot about your health status, so if you notice it’s out of the ordinary, it’s important to seek professional medical help. Dr. Darrien Gaston at Metropolitan...

How to Prevent a Hemorrhoid Flare-up Jul 22nd, 2021

Like varicose veins on your legs, hemorrhoids form in and around your anus. They can occur deep inside your rectum where you can’t see them, or they can appear at the opening of your anus, where they look like a cluster of grapes. Hemorrhoids aren’t necessarily a serious medical problem,...

Why Heartburn Gets Worse With Age Jun 22nd, 2021

If you can’t scarf down a burger or binge on pizza like you did as a teen because you pay for it in painful heartburn afterward, you’re among up to 40% of adults in the United States who feel the burn. That stat makes heartburn seem almost inevitable; and in...

What to Expect During and After Your First Colonoscopy May 27th, 2021

If you’re at or past age 45, the American Cancer Society and more recently the United States Preventive Task Force strongly recommends that you get a colonoscopy soon — and so do we. Dr. Darrien Gaston and our team here at Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants in the Beverly area of Chicago,...

Typical Tummy Trouble or IBS: How to Tell the Difference Apr 22nd, 2021

Everyone experiences occasional tummy troubles now and then, but when they occur more often than not, it may be a condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  Telling the difference between garden variety stomach discomfort and IBS can be tricky, as many of the symptoms are similar. Since April is Irritable...

Am I a Candidate for Non-Surgical Weight Loss? Mar 15th, 2021

Almost half of the U.S. population tipped over into the obesity category in 2017-2018. Many more were — and are — overweight. Whether you’re overweight or considered obese, those extra pounds stress put you at risk for serious health conditions and diseases, including: Diabetes Heart disease Stroke Cancer Darrien Gaston,...

ALL Healthcare Is Still Important Apr 14th, 2020

News about the coronavirus is all we hear nowadays and medical experts are unsure when we’ll be able to stop self quarantine and social distancing. While Covid-19 is of course an enormous, serious global and local emergency, Dr. Gaston knows that other medical issues are still a worrisome concern -...

Are You Feeling The Burn? Feb 21st, 2020

That painful burning feeling in your throat or upper chest may be called “heartburn” but it has nothing to do with the heart. Heartburn happens when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus, the muscular tube that connects your throat to your stomach. While the occasional bout of heartburn isn’t cause...

It’s Not You, It’s *This*. Jan 15th, 2020

You’ve started the new year with resolutions and goals - stop smoking, exercise more, lose weight. You’ve announced it on social media to help you stick to your commitment. You’ve told your family not to tempt you with ice cream in the evening.   You still wonder if your willpower...

Avoid Embarrassing Noises (and Odors!) During The Holidays Dec 23rd, 2019

You feel bloated, your stomach is rolling and it could be that you are the source of embarrassing noises - our digestive systems endure a lot during the holidays!  This month, it’s an endless buffet of huge dinners, even bigger desserts and lots of drinks. The holidays tempt even the...

Does Thanksgiving have to mean overeating? Nov 23rd, 2019

Your grandma’s dinner roll recipe. Your mom’s stuffing. And your amazing mashed potatoes. Along with turkey, cranberries and all the other fixings, you look forward to Thanksgiving for weeks. With all this deliciousness served only once a year, do you really deny yourself? Of course not! However, according to researchers...

Is It Your Grandma's Fault? Oct 31st, 2019

Your genes are what make you – you!  It’s why some people have brown eyes and some have red hair. Genetics play a role in almost every aspect of who you are but do genetics also play a role in determining your waist size? Weight loss seems simple enough –...

We've Done It Again! Aug 22nd, 2019

Distinction means patients get higher quality of care, better infection protection. Chicagoland -  For the third time running, Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants has earned the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval®for Office Based Surgery Accreditation. Darrien Gaston, MD, FACP, FACG, noted, “Here at Metro GI, we are always looking for state-of-the-art...

NAFLD is deadly - but you can prevent it. Jul 23rd, 2019

Your liver is a vital workhorse within your body. 24/7, the liver filters the blood that comes from your digestive system, removing toxins and metabolizing medications, ensuring the blood that gets to the rest of your body is clean, and making proteins that, among other things, help to clot your...

Stop! Don’t throw that on the grill! Jun 19th, 2019

Let’s make a better choice for your health. For many of us, summertime means juicy burgers sizzling on the grill, thick steaks done to just-pink inside and ribs slathered with a sauce recipe passed down for generations. Unfortunately, eating all that red meat actually means you’ll be enjoying fewer summers...

Kate, Toby and the journey to Baby Jack May 16th, 2019

  If you are a This Is Us fan, you know Kate and Toby have struggled with infertility, a high risk pregnancy and baby Jack’s premature birth and resulting complications. While Kate’s weight has been openly cited on the show as a significant challenge, in light of the recent CDC report...

Research shows Weight Loss Procedures reduce cancer risk. Apr 22nd, 2019

Most people take care to avoid increasing their risk of cancer. They don’t smoke, they make sure they’re not being exposed to BPA in plastic and they don’t use certain types of chemicals to kill the weeds in their yards. However, most people are unaware of an enormous risk factor...

Make THIS the year. Jan 19th, 2019

How many times have you promised yourself this would be your time? That this moment would be the time your efforts stuck, that you succeeded, that you met your goal? It’s time to make this time thetime. Losing 50 or more pounds isn’t easy. It takes time, it takes effort...

I Should Get A Massage Where?! Dec 6th, 2018

You’ve heard of the benefits of massage on your back, shoulders, legs, feet, arms and hands, relieving tension and aches, softening muscles and assuaging pain. You may have heard that a head and scalp massage can relieve headaches. However, there is one part of the body that rarely gets the...

Weight Loss Procedures Can Save Your Limbs. Nov 9th, 2018

Type II diabetes, heart disease, cancers - you know that being overweight or obese is a significant risk factor for all these serious health conditions. Now, studies show that being overweight also increases your likelihood of developing microvascular disease, neuropathy, peripheral artery disease and critical limb ischemia, which can lead...

Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants Earns Better Business Bureau Accreditation Oct 23rd, 2018

GREAT NEWS! Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants and Darrien Gaston, M.D., are pleased to announce that the practice has met all Better Business Bureau standards and is now an Accredited Business.  Becoming an Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau is an honor because businesses must meet demanding eligibility standards. “Accreditation in...

Weight Loss Makes You Feel Good - Inside and Out! Sep 10th, 2018

We’ve been told hundreds of times how achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is an incalculable benefit for our health. We know it lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of certain cancers, improves diabetes and relieves joint pain, just to name a few, because we hear it in health messages...

Your Amazing Digestive System Aug 14th, 2018

When you put a bite of food into your mouth, chew and swallow, you rarely think about what happens next. After all, when you’re finished swallowing, you’re finished with any conscious or intentional involvement to get nutrients into your body. Your digestive system, however, particularly your intestines, is getting ready...

American Cancer Society says do it at 45! May 31st, 2018

No one is quite sure why the rates of colon and colorectal cancer is rising so quickly in younger people, but the fact is more and more patients are being diagnosed at younger and younger ages. This week, the American Cancer Society changed its screening guidelines for this deadly but easily...

Britney does it. So do Kim and Gwyneth. Should You? May 8th, 2018

Non-medical colonic cleansing, also known as colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy, has been touted for centuries as a way to get rid of toxins, prevent constipation, renew energy and lose weight. Proponents say that stool builds up in the colon and toxins from that stool are absorbed back into the bloodstream...

Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants Granted Recognition by ASGE, Leading Gastrointestinal Medi Apr 19th, 2018

Chicago, IL –  The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), a leading gastrointestinal medical society, has recently granted a three-year recognition for quality and safety to Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants and Dr. Darrien Gaston. This ASGE program is specifically dedicated to promoting quality in endoscopy and has been awarded since 2009. The...

Avoiding Opioid Addiction During Weight Loss Apr 3rd, 2018

Obesity damages our bodies in a wide variety of ways, affecting everything that keeps us functioning, active and able. The extra weight impacts our bones and joints, causing wear and pain. It constricts our lungs, puts pressure on our hearts and compresses our veins and arteries. Extra weight wreaks havoc...

Attn: Millennials - March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month Mar 10th, 2018

Colon cancer screenings work! From 2000 to 2013, the diagnosis rate for colon cancer in people older than 50 dropped by 32%. This dramatic decrease is mostly due to the increase in colonoscopies and colon cancer screenings. Polyps are removed during screenings, before they can develop into cancer. Colon cancer’s mortality...

Easing IBS Symptoms Naturally - and Safely Feb 8th, 2018

For the 7 to 21% of people struggling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a flare up can have a huge impact on quality of life. Pain, diarrhea or constipation and bloating can mean missed days at work and skipping social events, causing a sufferer to feel isolated and depressed. Most...

It’s Not Too Late For Resolutions Jan 11th, 2018

We’re two weeks into January and, if you’re like many people, your new year resolutions are already fizzling out - or have been doused completely. Dr. Gaston is here to tell you - it’s not too late! Making resolutions can happen any time, and you can renew your resolutions at any...

Dr. Gaston is making colonoscopies and other colon screenings even easier. Dec 11th, 2017

Colonscopy prep may get all the complaints, but some patients feel that the gassy, bloated feeling after a screening for colon cancer or other colon-related diseases is actually a great deal worse. While advancements in prep materials have made getting ready for your screening easier, there is now also a...

Lose 40 lbs and gain $1,500! Nov 6th, 2017

Cancer. Diabetes. Stroke. Heart disease. Chronic back pain. Knee and joint pain. High blood pressure. The list of health complications caused by obesity - ruining your mobility, your lifestyle and your life expectancy - goes on and on. Dr. Darrien Gaston of Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants is committed to fighting the obesity crisis...

Why You Should Can It Yourself Oct 13th, 2017

There is a great deal of disagreement between Cook County and the Can The Tax movement. Claims of economic harm versus claims of better public services are difficult to resolve. And Dr. Gaston is not here to take a side in that fight.What Dr. Gaston will fight for, though, is...

The Best Way To Prevent Cancer Aug 7th, 2017

You know colon cancer is the cancer that is, by far and away, the most easily prevented, but do you know why?  Polyp removal really does prevent colon cancer, and when you follow the recommended guidelines for screening and re-screening, you only have the slimmest chance of developing it.What is a...

Signs You May Have Hemorrhoids Jul 11th, 2017

Hemorrhoids are surprisingly common. Could you be dealing with this rather uncomfortable issue?Sure, we understand that bathroom issues can be rather embarrassing and maybe not something you like talking about, but sometimes it’s necessary in order to figure out what is going on. Our Chicago, IL gastroenterologist Dr. Darrien Gaston...

Can you be healthy and overweight? Jun 29th, 2017

“My blood pressure is normal. My heart sounds great and so do my lungs. Does it really matter that my BMI is over 30?" In 2013, the American Medical Association designated obesity, having a BMI (body mass index) of over 30, as a disease. But questions arose around this. Is everyone...

Do You Have Anemia? 8 Ways To Tell Jun 7th, 2017

It’s the most common blood condition in the U.S. Nearly 3.5 million Americans are affected and women are at the greatest risk. It’s caused by a range wide of conditions and can cause a heart attack if left untreated. Anemia is the lack of enough health red blood cells or hemoglobin in...

Symptoms of Hepatitis Jun 1st, 2017

Would you know the warning signs of hepatitis if you saw them?Hepatitis is an infection that causes liver inflammation. There are five different kinds of hepatitis: A, B, C, D and E. There are many ways that you can become infected with hepatitis, from contaminated food to sexual contact (this...

6 to 20 times a day! May 11th, 2017

It happens to everybody. Gas is just a fact of everyone’s life. Bloating, burping and passing gas happens as your stomach and intestines digest the food you’ve eaten. During a meal, burping can happen as you swallow air along with your food. Flatulence, or passing gas, can be a little more...

Are you in the 80% - or the 20%? Apr 4th, 2017

Eating lots of waffles, pancakes, white bread, cold cereals, crackers and Cream of Wheat not only contributes to weight gain, it also contributes to the development of diverticulosis, which can cause painful and often dangerous diverticulitis.  Consuming this low-fiber diet means your colon must work harder to move food, causing pouches...

When Do I Need A Colonoscopy? Mar 15th, 2017

Everyone should know when to get a colonoscopy and how often they should be getting one.Getting a colonoscopy is probably not something you think about often until changes in your gastrointestinal tract seem to warrant it. Of course, getting a colonoscopy is something that everyone will need to do at...

Dr. Gaston's Patient Siblings Team Win $10,000 for Achieving Weight Loss Goals Mar 10th, 2017

Chicagoland Brother and Sister Team Win $10,000 for Achieving Weight Loss GoalsDr. Darrien Gaston’s SlimSmart Balloon helps shed 140 pounds. Chicago - A brother and sister from Chicagoland, Jamie Bedolla and Christina Bedolla, have won the opportunity to be national Success Stories for the Orbera Weight Loss Procedure. The announcement came...

Weight Loss Treatment Options Jan 27th, 2017

Losing weight depends greatly on the amount of commitment you have to your diet and exercise routine. However, if you have spent vast amounts of time eating well and exercising regularly and still have not reached the results you desire, you may need help from your gastroenterologist. Learn about weight loss...

It's Time! Jan 4th, 2017

With New Year resolutions and exciting life events all around us, January is the perfect time to implement changes. Perhaps you’re in a wedding (or having one yourself), going to a reunion or just have had enough of breaking your own promises about your health. Whatever the reason, getting off...

All Your Questions Answered! Nov 30th, 2016

When the United States FDA approved the Orbera Managed Weight Loss System in Spring 2015, the non-surgical procedure had already helped thousands of people in Europe lose weight, and keep it off. However, for Americans who suffer from the crush of obesity and related health issues like diabetes, joint problems and heart disease,...

Improve Your Health With Weight Loss Nov 15th, 2016

Weight loss is not only essential for your health, but also helps you feel good about your appearance. Sometimes, no matter how hardyou try, it's difficult to see a difference in the scales. Luckily, there's a minimally invasive way to lose weight and look great. Dr. Darrien Gaston, your Chicago,...

Lose Weight For American Diabetes Month! Nov 1st, 2016

November is American Diabetes Month and Dr. Darrien Gaston is celebrating by making it easier for you to lose weight and prevent Type 2 diabetes!American Diabetes Month raises awareness of all types of diabetes, but you may be wondering why Type 2 diabetes seems to always be in the news. Type...

Is Sleep Apnea Compromising Your Health? Nov 1st, 2016

To be at your best every day, you need between seven and a half and nine hours of sleep each night. Sleep apnea, strongly linked to obesity, is one of the biggest obstacles to getting the proper amount of restorative, non-REM stage II and stage III sleep. When you carry extra...

Hemorrhoids hurt - but removal doesn’t have to. Nov 1st, 2016

If you’re over age 50 or have ever been pregnant, chances are very good you suffer from some hemorrhoid pain. About 75% of men and women will experience hemorrhoids and the pain, burning, itching and bleeding that accompanies them. When you have chronic hemorrhoids, you know how life-altering they can be.What...

Dr. Gaston Offers Non-Surgical Orbera Weight Loss Balloon Nov 1st, 2016

Portion Control Tool, Ongoing Support Is Critical To Successful Weight LossBeverly-area gastroenterologist offers non-surgical gastric balloon. Despite ever-growing awareness and messages about healthy eating and exercise hammering us every day, the obesity rate in the United States continues to rise. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that almost...

Metro GI, Dr. Gaston Receive Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® Nov 1st, 2016

Dr. Darrien Gaston and Metropolitan Gastroenterology Consultants has long demonstrated a commitment to excellence and it’s just been confirmed - again - by none other than The Joint Commission.In August, Dr. Gaston received notice that Metro GI’s accreditation has been renewed for another three years. Dr. Gaston and his staff’s...

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month! Are you ready to celebrate? Nov 1st, 2016

It’s a classic “the chicken or the egg” question; do we exercise less because we’re overweight or are we overweight because we exercise less? This May, in honor of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, Dr. Gaston is here to help answer that question. Besides weight loss, there are many other...

FAQs about Hepatitis Sep 12th, 2016

Hepatitis is a potentially serious condition that causes inflammation of the liver. There are several forms of hepatitis, which can be contracted through a virus, sexual contact, alcoholism or an autoimmune disorder. The symptoms, treatment, and prognosis depend on the type of hepatitis, as well as other factors like the patient's overall...

Your Weight Loss Journey Doesn't Have to Be a Solo One Jul 18th, 2016

Are you tired of diet and exercise programs that just don't work? Is it difficult to change your activity level and eating habits because you have no one to assist you? Your weight loss journey doesn't have to be a solo endeavor. Losing weight with the help of Dr. Darrien Gaston...

FAQ About Hemorrhoids May 6th, 2016

You've probably seen commercials for cream to treat hemorrhoids and heard that it's an uncomfortable condition, but many people don't know what this common problem actually is. At Metro Gastroenterology Consultants, Chicago gastroenterologist, Dr. Darrien Gaston, diagnoses this painful, yet treatable for many of his patients. He answers some of your...